Fly Craft Product
Nano waterproof flag features
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-10-14 10:33:02    文字:【】【】【】浏览 (705)
摘要:1, the use of new high-tech green materials nanotechnology treatment; 2. Do not change the original performance and structure of the flag;

1, the use of new high-tech green materials nanotechnology treatment;

2. Do not change the original performance and structure of the flag;

3, anti-ultraviolet irradiation, can maintain the original color of the flag for a long time, do not fade, prolong the use period;

4, the surface can form like lotus leaf hydrophobic function.

The flag made of nano waterproof process is obviously different from the ordinary flag. The obvious difference is:

The nano waterproof flag is twice the weight of an ordinary flag, feels softer, and is submerged in water at the same time as an ordinary flag.

First, the ordinary flag should not fly,

Two, the ordinary flag will accelerate the degradation of color and fabric brittle after drying.

Three, the flag made of ordinary materials is more likely to be stained with dust, so it affects the appearance, two or three days to unload to wash, both trouble and accelerate the aging of the flag.

And the flag made of nano-waterproof flag:

It is waterproof. If you dip it into the water and take it out, it will not touch a drop of water. It will still be dry. If you pour a glass of water on its surface, the water will roll on it without penetration. Like a giant drop of water rolling around, this is the magic of nano.

Second, the flag made of nano waterproof because it does not touch water, can still fly in the wind and rain, and usually in the dusty area is very difficult to adhere to dust, even if there is a little dust no longer need to unload to clean, it will be easily washed by rain in rainy days, save a lot of trouble.

Three, the flag made of nanomaterials in the surface to form a protective film, completely block ultraviolet irradiation, so as to play the cloth is not subject to any foreign invasion, play a UV resistance, waterproof, wind pull, can greatly extend its service life.

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